Thursday, September 18, 2008

2nd blog carlos mota

today is a great day i feel so special it gives me butterflies i finally became a citizen. i know to many that isnt something so special but to me it is something so good for words i feel like i belong here now. I have traveled to my home country many times and i would always see the same thing sad faces looks of depression and poverty in the air. i was tired of seeing that and i knew that if i didnt become a citizen then there was still a chance of me ending back over there. Now its not that i hate my home country but it is still a baby country there to much curruption in politics and the goverment doesnt do much for its citizens so i love my country but i wouldnt love to live there the rest of my life i enjoy this country more because i have more opportunities here then i do over there. So thank you all if you feel happy for me but thats one small step now off to become a computer programer !jikes! sounds easier than what it truly is.

1 comment:

Leticia Crespo said...

Oh man. Way to go man. A lot of people really do take it for granted over here. That must be super exciting. Where you from?