Tuesday, September 30, 2008

McCain v. Obama (Round 1)

The first of three presidential debate may not have shown a clear winner, but if confidence was the key to victory, Senator Barack Obama was your man. Eventhough he may not of answered some questions clearly and tended to shy away from others, Obama had a great aspect to himself. As he entered the auditorium Obama gave John McCain the respect enough look him in the eyes and associate him by name. On his very first question, he attacked McCain's position on the recent economic crisis. McCain had nothing, and we all could tell John was very shook up and not at all ready to be at the debate.
Obama's appearance was also a huge part of the debate. He wore the American Flag pin that his was, earlier in his campaign, critized for not wearing. Obama also did not slouch. His posture was kept upright and very attentive, taking notes while McCain was speaking, and never missing a beat to attack him. His hands were active but not overly active. He kept them just out in front of him, not making any big handjesters.
This debate was the very promising for Senator Obama. He stated main points, even if they weren't the points relative to the questions being asked. McCain was not on point and he made little, if no eye contact with Obama. Pay attention to body language, not only the answers of the questions. The appearances of people can tell you alot about that person.

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